Professional Experience
Associate Professor, Educational Technology Integration
Brock University, Fall 2006 to present
Brock University, Fall 2006 to present
- ADED1P32 Learning in Digital Contexts
- EDUC 8Y24/34 Teaching & Learning with Computers
- EDUC 8F40 Educational Leadership
- EDUC 9F61 Computers in the Classroom
- EDUC 8L09 Principles and Practices for Professional Certification
Assistant Professor, Master's of Instructional Design and Technology Program, West Texas A&M University, Fall 2003/Spring 2005.
- EDT 6300 Introduction to Instructional Technology
- EDT 6310 Foundations of Instructional Systems Design
- EDT 6335 Needs Assessment and Program Evaluation
- EDT 6350 Digital Graphics and Interactive Design
- EDT 6355 Video Technologies and Applications
- EDT 6360 Principles and Practices of Distance Learning
- EDT 6370 Integrating Computers into the Classroom
- EDT 6373 Portable Technologies in the Classroom
- EDT 6394 Action Research
- EDRD 3301 Teaching Reading Through Children's Literature
All courses (with the exception of the EDRD 3301) were taught online. Chat, bulletin board postings,multimedia lectures, and sudent created portfolios are a few of the instructional strategies used in these online environments.
Assistant Professor, Instructional Technology Program, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Fall 2001/Spring 2003.
- IRED 510 Learning Environment Design Part I
- IRED 530 Professional Development for K-12 Technology Integration
- IRED 320 Technology in the Classroom
- LBSC 308 Children's Literature
- LBSC 314 Practicum in School Libraries
All courses included a strong online component that integrates the use of class websites or conferencing tools into instruction. Additionally, all courses incorporated problem-based learning, project-based learning, and/or case-based learning to provide a constructivist learning environment. Performance based assessment was employed with a strong emphasis on the development of electronic portfolios.
Teaching Assistant, University of Texas at Austin, Fall 1997-Spring 2000.
- LIS 397.1 Introduction to Research in Library and Information Science. Supervisors: Dean Roberta Shaffer, Dr. Brooke, Sheldon, Spring 2000.
- EDC 371 Computing Tools for Educators. Supervisor: Dr. Jenny Burson, Fall 1998-Spring 1998.
- EDC 385G Interactive Multimedia Design and Production. Supervisor: Dr. Liu Min, Fall 1999.
Student Teacher Supervisor, University of Texas at Austin, Spring 1997. Cohort Supervisors: Dr. Elaine Fowler, Dr. Gary McKenzie, Dr. Jim Hoffman.
Learning Resources/Library Media Specialist.
- Blanton Elementary. Austin Independent School District, Austin, TX, 1992-1997.
- Winn Elementary. Austin Independent School District, Austin, TX, 1979-1980.
Elementary Music Teacher and Chapter 1 Reading Specialist. West Elementary. Levelland Independent School District, Levelland, TX, 1989-1992.
Elementary Classroom Teacher.
- Grade 6. Bertram Elementary, Burnet Consolidated Independent School District, Bertram, TX, 1988-1989.
- Grade 5. T.A. Brown Elementary, Austin Independent School District, Austin, TX, 1992-1997.
Texas TIPD Corp (Summer 2005 to present) Sponsored by Texas Computer Educators Association, TIPD Corp members were competitively selected to serve the state of Texas as experts in technology integration with Internet resources. The program is designed to provide Texas school and school districts with professionals who can provide K-12 in-service teachers with standards-based technology integration training.
Intel Master Teacher (December 2003-present) Participated in the Intel Master Teacher train-the-trainer program for higher education faculty who work with preservice teachers.
Palm Certified Trainer (November 2002-present) Certified by Palm, Inc. through The Palm Education Training Coordinator (PETC) program, a train-the-trainer program designed to support K-12 in-service and preservice professional development programs focused on the educational uses of Palm handheld computers.
Online Course Designer/Technician for the WebCT Development Grant, University of Texas at Austin (1999-2000), a grant that placed graduate students with professors lacking technical skills to design, develop and implement online courses that utilized WebCT.
Software Technician, Texas Center for Reading and Language Arts, University of Texas at Austin (1997). The Center, in collaboration with Region XIII, Austin Independent School District, and University of Texas at Austin, produced a CD-ROM with vignettes that demonstrated how to integrate the TEKS into English, Language Arts, and Reading. I served as a multimedia technician to convert the written lesson plans submitted by classroom teachers into pages, graphics, and text (using Photoshop and Authorware) for the CD-ROM.
Professional Affiliations
Pi Lambda Theta: Honorary society and professional association for graduate students who have demonstrated academic achievement.
Kappa Delta Pi, Delta Chapter: Honorary society and professional association for students in the field of education who have demonstrated academic achievement.
Delta Kappa Gamma, Theta Rho chapter: Honorary society for women educators who have demonstrated excellence in teaching and professionalism.
Professional organization memberships:
SITE, Society for International Technology and Teacher Education
(TPACK SIG, chair and co-chair 2011 - 2014)
(TPACK SIG, chair and co-chair 2011 - 2014)
CSSE, Canadian Society for the Study of Education
(TATE SIG, President 2013-2015; Program Chair 2011-2013)
(TATE SIG, President 2013-2015; Program Chair 2011-2013)
AACE, Association for Advancement of Computing in Education
STAO, Science Teachers Association of Ontario
ISTE, International Society for Technology in Education
TCEA, Texas Computer Education Association